About me

Name: Amihan, also known as Monet
Birthday: 07/15/2002
Age: 21 y/o
Ethnicity/where I'm from: Fil-Chi (living in the Philippines)
Languages: Just English. I can understand Filipino, but not to the point of speaking it fluently.
Sexuality/gender: Transmasc lesbian
Pronouns: it/she/he
Profession: Multimedia arts student. Orz

I like vocal synths the most, and it's been my special interest since 2016! I don't remember most of my other interests though but I'll get into anything and everything if I want to.

About this website

What's this page for?
This page is meant to be a repository for anything vocal synth related I can find and things I've made related to it, as it's my biggest special interest and a lot of this site is purely fueled by autism (LOL) There might be other stuff too related to things I like, but the site mostly focuses on vocal synths so far. It also serves to help me practice and learn coding — although it's super hard and grueling, I really enjoy it lots! I plan to add more things to this site soon, but I really hope you enjoy your stay here ^_^

Why the name "amihan"?
It's named after me! Amihan is also the name of a mythological bird from Filipino myth, as well as one of the seasons in the Philippines. I named myself and the website after this because I thought it was a beautiful name :)


© Amihan | 2023